Thursday, January 18, 2007


Please excuse my self centered moping post with a lack of much real islamic content.

I'm moping today. I went to the doctor for what I thought was a follow up appointment in regards to my allergies and whatnot, and low and behold, I'm diagnosed with asthma. Dang. I went from no medicine at the beginning of December to a whole cupboard full today. I can't keep track of a pair of mittens. How on earth will I not lose 2 inhalers?

Also, even better, it's triggered by the cold. Good thing I live in Minnesota, eh, cuz we never get any cold here. I suppose it could be worse. It could be exercise indused, and that would suck. Alhamdulilah, I can keep up my exercise (lost 4 pounds since I was at the doctor's in mid December, subhanAllah). The doctor even said that it may increase my exercise capacity! I have this dream of running a marathon some day (hijab and all), but I've kinda hit a wall at 3 miles. I hope that's been due to my breathing issues and not just the fact that I'm not an athlete. inshaAllah these inhalers will be a blessing and help me push for my goal of 26.2 miles.

I'm planning on doing a massive overview of the burqini coverage that seems to be all the news rage this last week. I did get my own swimsuit from Splashgear earlier this week, and I'm lovin it. I did laps on Tuesday and I'm planning on swimming again tonight. I'll do a full review of that too.

But now, I'm just going to mope.

Oh, and from "Reflections of Pearls, a concise & comprehensive collection of prophetic invocations & prayers" compiled by Inam Uddin & Ubdur-Rahman Ibn Yusuf, this supplication:

When feeling helpless regarding a matter:
Hasbiya 'Llahu wa ni'ma 'la-wakil
Allah is my sufficiency, and how perfect a benefactor [is He]
from Abu Dawud


al-maraya said...

I'll mope with you, sister! Although I don't have asthma, I began having seizures last year and lost my driver's license last year as a result. Every now and then, when I've had an especially bad day, I feel the need to mope, too! :)

UmmSqueakster said...

We'll mope together. BTW, you have beaaaaaaautiful kitties. I see their pics and I just want to huggle them for hours.