Wednesday, August 29, 2007

On my IPod - pre ramadan edition

Ramadan Resolutions // With Imam Suhaib Webb & Special Guests Chacha Saab & Imam Patrick Robertson

Ramadan Preparation // with Imam Zaid Shakir

Ramadan: A Time for Change // With Imam Suhaib Webb

Are You Ready For The Month Of Ramadan? // With Imam Suhaib Webb

Qur'an with English translation - can't find the specific one I have - the english recitations here are kind of hockey sounding. The one I have is more conversational in tone.



Umm Haya said...

assalamalaikum sister,
Alhamdulillah that I found your blog. I recently bought an iPod and was wondering where exactly one can get Islamic lecture podcasts... or even other informative podcasts?! Jazakillah khairan kasira!

UmmSqueakster said...

Wa alaikum assalam!

If you click on the podcast tag, it will take you to my posts about the different podcasts I've found.

Mainly, I went to the itunes store, then to the podcast section and searched for "islam" and "muslim."

My favorites are Mecca One, Zaytuna and Q News.